I saw a bumper sticker today, it was very simple, straight-forward and ooohhh so true. It said "Politicians prefer unarmed peasants". Well, it seems the politicians should be very happy with their lot currently. Soooo many things have happened in the last few years without, it appears" any outrage on the peoples parts. Just to list a few; Homeland security and all the little things that came with it, like TSA; Warrantless wire-taps; no-bid contracts; and unlimited access to internet records. All of this supposedly intended to protect the American people. We have had our rights trampled all over on the pretense of protecting us, and few people saw the warning signs, and in fact appeared to actually believe the line of ____ that was fed us by the administration.
People were afraid to question anything this administration said, or risk being labled unpatriotic. Finally people seem to be starting to question a lot of things that should have been questioned years ago, and should never have been allowed to occur. I guess, better late than never. To be considered unpatriotic just because you don't agree with the short-sighted and often damaging rants of the president is stupid (for lack of a better word). He stepped on so many toes and completely lacked any respect for any country that didn't cow-tow to his wishes. His famous quote "If you're not with us than you're against us", has damaged the United States relationship with a lot of countries that were considered allies. He has distanced us from true allies and it may take years or decades to mend the damage he has caused.
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