I've taken the time to write down a few of the gas savings methods I have been using for years now. These tips make more and more sense as the price of gas rises and there seems to be no end in sight.
1. Make sure that your car tires are properly inflated.
2. Follow posted speed limits.
3. Do not tailgate - tailgating requires for frequent braking which wastes precious momentum and your gas $$. (It's also illegal and really irritating for the car you're following)
4. When driving up a hill remove your foot from the gas just before cresting the hill and allowing your car to coast down the next hill.
5. Do not ride the brakes, if you are braking frequently you are driving too aggressively, remove your foot from the gas and allow the car to slow down when approaching stop lights. Try to keep moving until the light is green (this does not mean inching into the intersection), you use less gas when the momentum of the car isn't stopped completely.
6. Some gas stations give discounts on gas if you purchase cash cards, take advantage of these if it makes sense. Don't drive out of your way to do so.
These are just a few things you can do to improve your gas mileage. It does help if you have a fairly efficient vehicle as far as gas mileage goes. Fuel efficiency has always been one of the top factors I have used in purchasing a car.
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